how many people are there in london的相关图片

how many people are there in london

下面围绕“how many people are there in london”主题解决网友的困惑


1. Where is London?It is a big city in south – east England.2. What river is it on?It is on the river Thams.3. How many bridges ...

large city with about 7 million people. How

小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In London you can travel around the city by subway, bus, taxi or private (私人的)car.”理解可知。在伦敦有四种交通方式...

There are many children in this hospital.

答:thewriterknewalotaboutLondonbeforehecametoit B. thewriterlivedabigcityinSwitzerlandbeforehecametoLondon C. thewriterlivedaquietlittletownnearLondon...

Many years ago, the girl ( ) in London with h

1. Many years ago, the girl (lived ) in London with her family for a ...(month / year /long time?)很多年前,那女孩子跟家人在伦敦住了一...(个月 / 年/ 段...

are many places for people to visit in London

There are many places for people to visit in London.One famous place for 1___ in London is Madame Tussaud’s museum.Here people can 2___ figures(塑像...

many few little) 1.There are___buese in Londo

1.many 翻译:伦敦有很多公共汽车 2.much 翻译:我这几个周没有太多的时间学习 3.much 翻译:请不要制造这么多噪音 4.many;few 翻译:珍妮在上海不认识人,而且在...

New York,London, Paris and other big cities are

New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different...

New York, London, Paris and other big cities are

根据第二段中的The cost of living is high and there are too many people in big cities.生活成本高,有太多人居住在大城市。可知小题3错误。故选B。 小题4: 细...


3.How many eggs ___in the bag? A.has B.have there D.are there4.___me, please. A.Listen B.say C.Listen to D.talk5.---___day is tomorrow? ---It's Tue...


〔正〕There are many people in the garden.〔析〕可数名词前应用many, few, a few, a lot of 来修饰,而people是可数名词,而且是复数名词,如:The people are plan...

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